
Susan Faivre

Susan Faivre

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Molly Murphy

Molly Murphy

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Fr. Dominic Vahling

Fr. Dominic Vahling

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Theology I

(Grade 9)
Credit: 1 (4.A grading)


本课程提供天主教信仰的概述(使用天主教教理问答中的基本原则和教义). 它有助于增进对教会和圣礼的理解, further appreciation of the Trinity, and commitment to a life of loving service.

Theology II: Hebrew Scriptures And Morality

(Grade 10)
Credit: 1 (4.A grading)


This course provides a general study of the Hebrew Scriptures for one semester; students are presented a Catholic understanding and interpretation of Sacred Scriptures. 第二学期的道德神学学习为学生提供了过道德生活所需的技能.

Campus Ministry/Theology II

(Grade 10)
Credit: 1 (4.A grading)

本课程旨在通过为澳门棋牌网址大全学校社区服务,为学生提供第一手的福音信息体验. 学生将透过每日的祷告,积极参与校园事工计划的建立与实施, liturgical roles, retreat planning, participation and leadership. 该课程的核心是提供个人和小组的精神发展. 学生校园部长将协助校园部策划和执行校园部的所有活动. The goal of the course is to put faith into practice. Course content includes Hebrew Scriptures and Moral Issues.                                        

Theology: High School Summer Preaching Institute (elective)

(Grade 11)
Credit: .25 (Not included in cumulative GPA)

这个为期一周,40小时的课程旨在培养学生的道明会神恩. Through study of the main elements of Dominican spirituality, 学生们开始欣赏他们在学校里作为传教士的角色, home, and church communities. 完成课程后,学员将以神恩协助训练他人.

Theology III

(Grade 11)
Credit: .25 (Not included in cumulative GPA)

Christian Scriptures: History And Literature


The Second Vatican Council declared that the Gospel is the source of all saving truth and moral discipline (Dei verbum 7). As followers of Christ, we look to the New Testament, especially the four gospel accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, 来明白我们主耶稣基督所传的福音. 通过仔细阅读新约经文和教科书, 本课程旨在加深学生对福音的理解,同时培养与耶稣更密切的个人关系. 它将研究天主教对圣经的态度,这种态度植根于神圣传统和训导.

Semester 2: Social Justice: Contemporary Social Justice Issues


In 1998, the U.S. 天主教主教发表了题为《澳门棋牌网址大全》的声明. In this document, 主教们明确表示,天主教的社会训导是我们信仰生活的重要组成部分. 我们被呼召成为改变世界的酵母. 通过对各种教皇和大公会议文件的检查以及对教科书的仔细阅读, 本课程将探讨在现代世界建立一个公正社会的必要性. 我们将研究天主教社会教学的中心主题,并将其应用于我们的世界. 我们会更深刻地体会到,我们的信仰如何召唤我们为穷人和被忽视的人采取行动.

Semester 2: Service In The Community

Credit: 0.5 (Pass/Fail)

In lieu of the Social Justice course, 这种形成性的学分将使学生通过在社区的服务实习体验福音的价值观. Service must fundamentally express our solidarity with others, 这门课的目的是让学生明白服务不是 working for others, but is an opportunity to work with others. Through the Catholic social teaching model of “See, Judge, 学生将有机会亲身体验天主教社会教育. 除了与指导老师会面外,还需要25小时的服务, doing assigned readings from the text(s), and completing a journal. Class size is limited.

Campus Ministry/Theology III

(Grade 11)
Credit: 1 (4.A grading)

本课程旨在通过为澳门棋牌网址大全学校社区服务,为学生提供第一手的福音信息体验. 学生将透过每日的祷告,积极参与校园事工计划的建立与实施, liturgical roles, retreat planning, participation and leadership. 该课程的核心是提供个人和小组的精神发展. 学生校园部长将协助校园部策划和执行校园部的所有活动. The goal of the course is to put faith into practice. Course content includes New Testament and Social Justice.

Theology IV


学生必须修圣礼与世界宗教或圣礼与哲学荣誉课程. 参加宣教班和校园事工/神学四的学生将完成神学四的要求.

Sacraments and Community

(Grade 12)
Credit: 0.5 credit (4.A grading)

In this course, 学生将认识到神学不能孤立地进行,所有的神学都植根于社区. 本课程实际反映了什么是充满怜悯和忠于福音的生活. Students will identify the interconnectedness of all creation, all while taking an in-depth look at Christian communities. 学生将探索天主教社区的圣礼框架. Special emphasis is placed on vocation. 学生将面临挑战,思考自己在社区形成中的角色, while discovering and honoring their most authentic selves.

World Religions: Intro To Religions Of The World

(Grade 12)
Credit: 0.5 credit (4.A grading)

本课程将探讨世界主要宗教的理论, practical, and sociological expressions. 目的是在欣赏我们天主教基督教的独特礼物的同时,实现对不同传统的知情理解. A special emphasis will be placed upon current political, social, and economic problems that have a religious component.

Sacraments and Philosophy Honors

(Grade 12)
Credit: 1 (5.A grading)

学生将学习七圣礼和他们的哲学基础. 用哲学方法研究圣礼的本质, 学生还将学习哲学,着眼于应用. 哲学和圣礼将被视为一个共同的目标:寻找生命的意义. 本课程将使用两种文本,有时同时使用,有时交替使用.

Mission Class

(Grade 12)
Credit: 1 (4.A grading)


这堂课的重点是多明尼加会的使命,然后是SHG. 本课程开放给想要探索多明尼加神恩的高年级学生,同时在学校担任领导职务. Through a sacramental approach, 学生将合作,通过发展多元化的活动,以实现多明尼加神恩的四大支柱, planning prayer services, 并通过服务学习来发展他们自己的灵性. Class size is limited.